The Five prayers of Islam.
You need the Time of Salat and the Direction of Prayer.
This App provides you these two basic necessities instantly . No need to set up your city , or link to the nearest mosque website. you could be in Argentina and back to Philipines , the system will still render you with the most accurate Salat time and the correct Qibla direction.
You do not need to setup this App to get it working.
This App uses your current position and calculates the Namaz Time and the QIbla direction. This information is updated whenever you change position or change the date.
It uses multiple methods for calculation .
The Methods used are
You can switch between calculation any time. The accuracy of this App has been ascertained to be with .01 minutes using any method.
Disclosure: This App does not transmit or shares you information , or your location and does not needs Internet to calculate the time.